Friday 10 February 2012

Kill it now, better its dead !!! R.I.P. IIT-JEE... (PART 1)

It all starts as a small dream in the minds of concerned parents of those children who are good in sciences. But, rarely do people get to realize whether their child really wants it. I am talking of the now-endangered yet highly venerated IIT-JEE exam. Recently, the honorable ministers of India came to a conclusion of scrapping the most iconic process of geek extraction by independent India. Well, my post here is not about the apathy of not continuing it further; rather it is about why it should be killed !!!
Many people may not like the following statement but, the real truth is: the life that IITians lead in IITs is just too different from what it is viewed as. Amidst so many quizzes, exams, assignments; the average IITian is actually left with nothing but an over busy schedule with no time for himself... People may say that it is not true as most of the IITians are very well groomed. My reply to these people is that these aforesaid IITians do not actually pay so much heed to academics and they do other things, which are definitely important, but by bartering their time from acads. And this practice has become so common, that actually people have started to think that IITians are perfect allrounders. If it would not have been for this united act by all students of IITs, again and again, and over the years and hadn't the academic schedule been different; then, definitely the situation would have been way too different. The reason people complain about the standard of students getting into IITs is more or less a repercussion of the same fact.

The IITian college life wasn't supposed to be the way it has become now, and parents sending their bright kids to top instt; even without knowing whether he/she actually wants to study that hard is the only reason. My question to the professors is now that if IITians started living and studying in a manner that most of you suggest, what would be the scenario of his life ? Books, classes, acads, research ! How can you call this college life ??? Popular media suggests something else as college life. We dream of something else and get something else. I am no one to criticize the system, the people or the environment. But, actually speaking IITians live in an environment which can be best described as HELL IN HEAVEN.

The bad part is when you are out of IIT and even worse happens when people start discussing about it. For people outside, they may show respect at first. But, they do not respect you, they respect the hard work you put in at that time while preparing for IIT-JEE. You may go on to refute my statement saying that it was ultimately you who did it. But, seriously look at it with your "real" eyes. You are no longer that same person who cracked IIT-JEE. You are now, all together, a very different person; who loves to admire the fact that he/she is an IITian. Coming back to the people outside, now, that they may have discussed few things about your future and your current position, they narrow things down to the main aspect, the package you are going to draw. But, seldom do they know that its only a very small chunk of students that actually get those dream packages and that too mostly of a particular department. WE IITIANS ARE NOTHING BUT A FALSE REPRESENTATION OF SOME DREAMS OF MIDDLE-CLASS INDIANS...

(To be continued...)


  1. First of all , it was really good to see you on some blogging site , I would just comment on last comment , As a significant amount of IIT'ians are from middle families , So it is justified for them to think like this . But not for us , We sometimes can not do what we expect .

    1. Well, justification of the fact has been a result of a 50 yr old historic process of high package acquisition by these guys !!! :D
